Blog - Speech Space
Hearbuilder - a free learning resource for language/literacy
By now many parents are reporting their successes and frustrations in their students' home learning endeavors that have resulted from the school closure. This is new territory for many of us who haven't before had to teach our own children academic concepts, let alone manage squirly behaviors that are usually handled through well-established policies and procedures, group structure, and well-planned activities that our teachers are so skilled at developing!
If your child is struggling in early reading skills, listening and memory, understanding and following directions, or sequencing events, the Hearbuilder might be a resource that could benefit your child. What I love about Hearbuilder is that it is an activity that can be practiced ("played") independently by your student while they are learning new skills. Hearbuilder automatically adjusts the level difficulty depending on the student's success.
Hearbuilder is a scientific and evidence-based program that:
- Gives students the benefit of individualized practice with foundation literacy skills in listening, memory, and comprehension.
- Benefits students diagnosed with Speech & Language Disorders, Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD), Dyslexia and reading enrichment.
- Supports students in meeting state and common core English through multi-level activities.
- Enables educators to monitor individual practice with customized data reports
If you have a student currently enrolled in the Speech Therapy program who would benefit, I've already e-mailed student login/password information.
If you have not received student login info, and would like your student to be subscribed, you can send me a request through e-mail. You can also sign up as a parent subscriber as it is free for parents AND eduators through June 30th.
Hearbuilder can be downloaded on your tablet/device. There are FOUR apps: HB phonological awareness, HB Following Directions, HB Auditory Memory, and HB Sequencing. Once downloaded, you just enter your personal login to activate the app.
OR you can use Hearbuilder apps on the web with any home computer:
If you love Hearbuilder as much as I do, I'd love to "hear" about it! :)
Hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day holiday weekend!
Activity of the Week - Make a Time Capsule!
This Memorable Time
I know this pandemic is going to live on in our memories for a lifetime. Pretty much "in the blink of an eye" (an idiom for you language kids!) our lives completely collectively changed. On a global scale, we were asked to completely shift the way we live, interact, and trust our peers, the news, the public, and government leaders. For some, this time has been rocky, for others sweet. Parents, our children will remember this, and our grandchildren will learn about it. What better way to express this historical moment than by doing something creative and memorable as a family? Online, I found a Free Printable Time Capsule Activity that you can do with your family or your child can complete at home.
What are you all doing to cope with the shelter in place order? Is anyone getting creative with passing the time? Reading more, taking walks, exercising, playing games, trying new recipes, learning an instrument, and communicating with friends and family through distance technology are all great ways to stay engaged with learning and connection while waiting out this period.
Let me know if you try the time capsule by sharing some photos with me, I may do a feature on here! Also let me know if you need a printed copy. If you are in the Chewelah School District I can send one on the bus or by mail.
Look at the many different things sprouting up out in nature!
I love looking closely at nature. When I was out on a hike with my son, I pointed out the thickness and all the layers of this bark on this tree we passed by. We talked about how this tree is a whole complete living ecosystem, supporting both many smaller forms of life, as well as serving habitats much greater than itself individually.
Be well, everyone!
My Name is Bethany Bennetch
About Me. I've been a Speech Language Pathologist for 3 years in the wonderful Chewelah School District. In additional to communication sciences and disorders, my educational background also includes health/fitness, hospitality, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and music.
I was raised in Illinois/Michigan by two lovely parents, and I have a brother and a sister, although none of us live in the same state anymore. I met my husband and we had our first child in Spokane, WA, and after getting our degrees, we moved to Chewelah to be closer to his family, 49 degrees ski area, and my work.
Other things I enjoy include traveling, mountain biking, yoga, playing the piano, and spending time with my 3 dogs!