Policies and Procedures
One of the ongoing responsibilities of the Board of Directors is to establish policies that guide the operation of the School District. The policies are principles adopted by the Board to chart a course of action, while the procedures are the detailed directions that put policy into practice.
Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
0000 Planning
1000 Board of Directors
- 1000 Legal Status and Operation
- 1000P Legal Status and Operation Procedures
- 1005 Key Functions of the Board
- 1105 Director District Boundaries
- 1110 Election
- 1110P Election Procedures
- 1111 Oath of Office
- 1112 Director Orientation
- 1113 Board Member Residency
- 1114 Board Member Resignation and Vacancy
- 1114P Board Member Resignation and Vacancy Procedures
- 1210 Annual Organizational Meeting
- 1220 Board Officers and Duties of Board Members
- 1230 Secretary
- 1240 Committees
- 1310 Policy Adoption, Manuals and Administrative Procedures
- 1320 Suspension of a Policy
- 1330 Administration in Absence of Policy or Procedure
- 1331 Audit of Expenditures
- 1332 Authorization of Signatures
- 1332P Authorization of Signatures Procedures
- 1400 Meeting Conduct, Order of Business and Quorum
- 1400P Meeting Conduct, Order of Business and Quorum Procedures
- 1410 Executive or Closed Sessions
- 1420 Agenda and Consent Agenda
- 1420P Agenda and Consent Agenda Procedures
- 1440 Minutes
- 1450 Absence of a Board Member
- 1611 Conflicts of Interest (Districts with fewer than 2,000 students)
- 1620 The Board-Superintendent Relationship
- 1620P The Board-Superintendent Relationship Procedures
- 1630 Evaluation of the Superintendent
- 1630P Evaluation of the Superintendent Procedures
- 1731 Board Member Expenses
- 1731P Board Member Expenses Procedures
- 1732 Board Member Insurance
- 1733 Board Member Compensation
- 1733P Board Member Compensation Procedures
- 1805 Open Government Trainings
- 1810 Annual Governance Goals and Objectives
- 1815 Ethical Conduct for School Directors
- 1820 Evaluation of the Board
- 1820P Evaluation of the Board Procedures
- 1822 Training and Professional Development for Board Members
- 1825 Addressing School Director Violations
- 1830 Participation in School Boards' Association
2000 Instruction
- 2000 Student Learning Goals
- 2001 Assessment
- 2001P Assessment Procedures
- 2004 Accountability Goals
- 2005 School Improvement Plans
- 2020 Course Design, Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials, and Instructional Materials Committee
- 2020F IMC Materials Selection Checklist
- 2020P Course Design, Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials, and Instructional Materials Committee Procedures
- 2021 Library Information and Technology Programs
- 2022 Electronic Resources and Internet Safety
- 2022P Electronic Resources and Internet Safety Procedures
- 2023 Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy
- 2023F Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy Checklist
- 2024 Online Learning
- 2024P Online Learning Procedures
- 2025 Copyright Compliance
- 2025P Copyright Compliance Procedures
- 2026 Lesson Plans
- 2030 Service Animals
- 2030P Service Animals Procedures
- 2090 Program Evaluation
- 2104 Federal and or State Funded Special Instructional Programs
- 2104P Federal and or State Funded Special Instructional Programs Procedures
- 2106 Program Compliance
- 2107 Comprehensive Early Literacy Plan
- 2108 Learning Assistance Program
- 2110 Transitional Bilingual Instruction
- 2110P Transitional Bilingual Instruction Procedures
- 2121 Substance Abuse Program
- 2121P Substance Abuse Program Procedures
- 2125 Sexual Health Education
- 2126 HIV-AIDS Prevention Education
- 2130P Program Evaluation Procedures
- 2133 Diversity-Multicultural Education
- 2145 Suicide Prevention
- 2150 Co-Curricular Program
- 2150P Co-Curricular Program Procedures
- 2151 Interscholastic Athletics
- 2151P Interscholastic Athletics Procedures
- 2153 Non-curriculum-related Student Groups
- 2153P Non-curriculum-related Student Groups Procedures
- 2161 Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students
- 2161P Special Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students Procedure
- 2163 Response to Intervention
- 2173 Education of Students with Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- 2173P Education of Students with Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Procedures
- 2180 Parent, Family and Community Partnerships
- 2190 Highly Capable Program
- 2190P Gifted and Talented Programs Procedures
- 2230 Transition to Kindergarten Program
- 2245 Alternative Learning Experience Courses
- 2245P Alternative Learning Experience Courses Procedures
- 2313 Free or Inexpensive Materials
- 2320 Field Trips, Excursions, and Outdoor Education
- 2320P Field Trips, Excursions, and Outdoor Education Procedures
- 2333 Flag Exercises
- 2336 Required Observances
- 2337 Disability History Month
- 2340 Religious-related Activities or Practices
- 2350 Film-Video Viewing Policy
- 2410 High School Graduation Requirements
- 2410P High School Graduation Requirements Procedures
- 2411 High School Equivalency Certificate
- 2412 Diplomas for Veterans
- 2413 Equivalency Credit for Career and Technical Education Courses
- 2415 Performance-Based Pathway for High School Graduation
- 2415P Performance-Based Pathway for High School Graduation Procedures
- 2418 Waiver of High School Graduation Credits
- 2418P Waiver of High School Graduation Credits Procedures
- 2420 Grading and Progress Reports
- 2420P Grading and Progress Reports Procedures
- 2421 Promotion-Retention
3000 Students
- 3110 Qualifications of Attendance and Placement
- 3110P Qualifications of Attendance and Placement Procedures
- 3112 Social Emotional Climate
- 3114 Part-time, Home-based or Off-campus Students
- 3114P Part-time, Home-based or Off-campus Students Procedures
- 3115 Students Experiencing Homelessness: Enrollment Rights and Services
- 3115P Students Experiencing Homelessness: Enrollment Rights and Services Procedures
- 3120 Enrollment
- 3120P Enrollment Procedures
- 3122 Excused and Unexcused Absences
- 3122P Excused and Unexcused Absences Procedures
- 3123 Withdrawal Prior to Graduation
- 3124 Removal or Release of Student During School Hours
- 3124P Removal or Release of Student During School Hours Procedures
- 3126 Child Custody
- 3131 Transfers
- 3140 Release of Resident Status
- 3141 Nonresident Students
- 3142 International Exchange Students
- 3142P International Exchange Students Procedures
- 3143 Notification and Dissemination of Information About Student Offenses and Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm
- 3143P Notification and Dissemination of Information About Student Offenses and Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm Procedures
- 3205 Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of Students Prohibited
- 3205P Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited Procedures
- 3206 Pregnant and Parenting Students
- 3206P Pregnant and Parenting Students Procedures
- 3207 Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying of Students
- 3207P Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Procedures
- 3210 Nondiscrimination
- 3210P Nondiscrimination Procedures
- 3211 Gender-Inclusive Schools
- 3211P Gender-Inclusive Schools Procedures
- 3220 Freedom of Expression
- 3220P Freedom of Expression Procedures
- 3223 Freedom of Assembly
- 3225 School-BasedThreat Assessment
- 3225P School-Based Threat Assessment Procedures
- 3226 Interviews and Interrogations of Students on School Premises
- 3226P Interviews and Interrogations of Students on School Premises Procedures
- 3230 Searches of Students and Student Privacy
- 3230P Searches of Students and Student Privacy Procedures
- 3231 Student Records
- 3231P Student Records Procedures
- 3232 Parent and Student Rights in Administration of Surveys, Analysis or Evaluations
- 3232P Parent and Student Rights in Administration of Surveys, Analysis or Evaluations Procedures
- 3235 Protection of Student Personal Information
- 3235P Protection of Student Personal Information Procedures
- 3241 Student Disccipline
- 3241P Student Discipline Procedures
- 3242 Closed Campus
- 3243 Student Driving
- 3243P Student Driving Procedures
- 3244 Prohibition of Corporal Punishment
- 3246 Restraint, Isolation and Other Uses of Reasonable Force
- 3246P Restraint, Isolation and Other Uses of Reasonable Force Procedures
- 3410 Student Health
- 3411 Accommodating Students with Seizure Disorders or Epilepsy
- 3412 Automated External Defibrillators (AED)
- 3412P Automated External Defibrillators (AED) Procedures
- 3413 Student Immunization and Life Threatening Health Conditions
- 3413P Student Immunization and Life Threatening Health Conditions Procedures
- 3414 Infectious Diseases
- 3414P Infectious Diseases Procedures
- 3415 Accommodating Students with Diabetes
- 3416 Medication at School
- 3416P Medication at School Procedures
- 3417 Catheterization
- 3417P Catheterization Procedures
- 3418 Response to Student Injury or Illness
- 3418P Response to Student Injury or Illness Procedures
- 3419 Self Administration of Asthma and Anaphylaxis Medications
- 3419P Self Administration of Asthma and Anaphylaxis Medications Procedures
- 3420 Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response
- 3420P Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response Procedures
- 3421 Child Abuse and Neglect
- 3421P Child Abuse and Neglect Procedures
- 3423 Parental Administration of Marijuana for Medical Purposes
- 3423P Parental Administration of Marijuana for Medical Purposes Procedures
- 3424 Opioid Related Overdose Reversal
- 3424P Opioid Related Overdose Reversal Procedures
- 3432 Emergencies
- 3432P Emergencies Procedures
- 3510 Associated Student Bodies
- 3510P Associated Student Bodies Procedures
- 3520 Student Fees, Fines, or Charges
- 3520P Student Fees, Fines, Charges Procedures
- 3530 Fundraising Activities Involving Students
- 3530P Student Fund Raising Activities Procedures
- 3540 Student Fund Raising for Charitable Purposes
- 3700 Extracurricular Transportation
4000 Community Relations
- 4000 Public Information Program
- 4000P Public Information Program Procedures
- 4001 Communications
- 4020 Confidential Communications
- 4040 Public Access to District Records
- 4040F Public Records Request Form
- 4040P Public Access to District Records Procedures
- 4060 Distribution of Information
- 4060P Distribution of Information Procedures
- 4110 Citizens Advisory Committee
- 4110P Citizens Advisory Committee Procedures
- 4120 School-Support Organizations
- 4120P School-Support Organizations Procedures
- 4130 Title I, Part A Parent and Family Engagement
- 4200 Safe and Orderly Learning Environment
- 4210 Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises
- 4215 Use of Tobacco on School Property
- 4220 Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs
- 4220P Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs Procedures
- 4260 Use School Facilities
- 4260P Use of School Facilities Procedures
- 4311 School Safety and Security Services Program
- 4311P School Safety and Security Services Program Procedures
- 4313 Gifts to Staff
- 4320 Contacts with Students
- 4321 Contests, Advertising and Promotions
- 4322 Public Performances
- 4323 Endorsement of Educational Materials
- 4400 Election Activities
- 4400P Election Activities Procedures
- 4412 Political Relationships with Govermental Agencies
- 4412P Political Relationships with Govermental Agencies Procedures
- 4510 Independent Schools
- 4520 Cooperative Programs with other Districts and Public Agencies
- 4521 Cooperative Program with the Float Committee
- 4522 Interlocal Cooperation Agreement
- 4523 Interlocal Agreement with City of Chewelah
5000 Personnel
- 5000 Recruitment and Selection of Staff
- 5000P Recruitment and Selection of Staff Procedures
- 5001 Hiring of Retired School Employees
- 5004 Infection Control Program
- 5004P Infection Control Program Procedures
- 5005 Employment and Volunteers - Disclosures, Certification Requirements, Assurances and Approval
- 5006 Certification Revocation
- 5010 Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action
- 5010P Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action Procedures
- 5011 Sexual Harassment of District Staff Prohibited
- 5011P Sexual Harassment of District Staff Prohibited Procedures
- 5012 Parental, Family or Marital Status, and Pregnancy or Related Conditions of Staff
- 5020 Collective Bargaining
- 5021 Conflicts Between Policy and Bargaining Agreements
- 5050 Contracts
- 5161 Civility in the Workplace
- 5201 Drug Free Schools, Community and Workplace
- 5202 Federal Highway Administration Mandated Drug and Alcohol Testing Program
- 5202P Federal Highway Administration Mandated Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Procedures
- 5220 Certificated and Classified Job Descriptions
- 5220P Certificated and Classified Job Descriptions Procedures
- 5222 Job Sharing Staff Members
- 5231 Length of Workday
- 5231P Length of Workday Procedures
- 5240 Evaluation of Staff
- 5251 Conflict of Interest
- 5252 Staff Participation in Political Activities
- 5252P Staff Participation in Political Activities Procedures
- 5253 Maintaining Professional Staff-Student Boundaries
- 5253P Maintaining Professional Staff-Student Boundaries Procedures
- 5260 Personnel Records
- 5260P Personnel Records Procedures
- 5270 Resolution of Staff Complaints
- 5270P Resolution of Staff Complaints Procedures
- 5271 Reporting Improper Governmental Action
- 5271P Reporting Improper Governmental Action Procedures
- 5280 Separation from Employment
- 5281 Disciplinary Action and Discharge
- 5281P Disciplinary Action and Discharge Procedures
- 5310 Compensation
- 5315 Garnishment and Personal Credit Problems
- 5315P Garnishment and Personal Credit Problems Procedures
- 5347 Appropriate Dress
- 5400 Personnel Leaves
- 5401 Sick Leave
- 5403 Emergency and Discretionary Leaves
- 5404 Family, Medical, and Maternity Leave
- 5406 Leave Sharing
- 5406P Leave Sharing Procedures
- 5407 Military Leave
- 5407P Military Leave Procedures
- 5408 Jury Duty and Subpoena Leave
- 5410 Holidays
- 5441 Staff Vacations
- 5510 Retirement Programs
- 5515 Workforce Secondary Traumatic Stress
- 5520 Professional Learning
- 5610 Substitute Employment
- 5610P Substitute Employment Procedures
- 5612 Temporary Administrators
- 5630 Volunteers
- 5630P Volunteers Procedures
- 5641 Student Teachers
- 5641P Student Teachers Procedures
6000 Management Support
- 6000 Program Planning, Budget Preparation, Adoption and Implementation
- 6001 Domicile Policy for Administrators
- 6020 System of Funds and Accounts
- 6020P System of Funds and Account Procedures
- 6021 Interfund Loans
- 6022 Minimum Fund Balance
- 6030 Financial Reports
- 6040 Expenditures in Excess of Budget
- 6100 Revenues from Local, State and Federal Sources
- 6101 Federal Cash and Financial Management
- 6101P Federal Cash and Financial Management Procedures
- 6102 District Fundraising
- 6102P District Fundraising Activities Procedures
- 6106 Allowable Costs for Federal Programs
- 6106P Allowable Costs for Federal Programs Procedures
- 6111 Tuition
- 6112 Rental or Lease District Real Property
- 6114 Gifts or Donations
- 6114P Gifts Procedures
- 6120 Investment of Funds
- 6210 Purchasing: Authorization and Control
- 6210P Purchasing: Authorization and Control Procedures
- 6212 Charge Cards
- 6213 Reimbursement for Travel Expenses
- 6213P Reimbursement for Travel Expenses Procedures
- 6215 Expense Claims Certification and Approval
- 6216 Reimbursement for Goods and Services - Warrants
- 6217 Electronic Funds Transfer
- 6217P Electronic Funds Transfer Procedures
- 6220 Bid or Request for Proposal Requirements
- 6220P Bid or Request for Proposal Requirements Procedures
- 6225 Use of Electronic Signature
- 6250 Cellular Telephones
- 6430 Professional, Civic and Service Organization Memberships
- 6500 Risk Management
- 6510 Safety
- 6510P Safety Procedures
- 6511 Staff Safety
- 6511P Staff Safety Procedures
- 6530 Insurance
- 6535 Student Insurance
- 6540 School District's Responsibility for Privately-Owned Property
- 6550 Capitalization Threshhold Leases and SBITAs
- 6570 Data and Records Management
- 6570P Data and Records Management Procedures
- 6600 Transportation
- 6600P Transportation Procedures
- 6605 Student Safety Walking, Biking, and Riding Buses
- 6605P Student Safety Walking, Biking, and Riding Buses Procedures
- 6608 Video Cameras on School Buses
- 6608P Video Cameras on School Buses Procedures
- 6610 Video Surveillance
- 6620 Special Transportation
- 6620P Special Transportation Procedures
- 6625 Private Vehicle Transportation
- 6630 Driver Training and Responsibility
- 6640 School-Owned Vehicles
- 6700 Nutrition and Physical Fitness
- 6700P Nutrition and Physical Fitness Procedures
- 6800 Safety, Operations and Maintenance of School Property
- 6800P Safety, Operations and Maintenance of School Property Procedures
- 6801 Capital Assets/Theft-Sensitive Assets
- 6801P Capital Assets/Theft-Sensitive Assets Procedures
- 6810 Energy Management, Education, and Conservation
- 6815 Advertising on District Property
- 6815P Advertising on District Property Procedures
- 6881 Disposal of Surplus Equipment and or Materials
- 6881P Disposal of Surplus Equipment and or Materials Procedures
- 6882 Sale of Real Property
- 6883 Closure of Facilities
- 6890 State Environmental Policy Act Compliance
- 6895 Pesticide Notification, Posting, and Record Keeping
- 6895P Pesticide Notification, Posting, and Record Keeping Procedures
- 6900 Long-Range Facility Planning
- 6905 Site Acquisition
- 6910 Construction Financing
- 6920 Construction Design
- 6921 Educational Specifications
- 6921P Educational Specifications Procedures
- 6923 Energy Conservation
- 6925 Architect and Engineering Services
- 6925P Architect and Engineering Services Procedures
- 6950 Contractor Assurances, Surety Bonds, Insurance, and Change Orders
- 6955 Maintenance of Records
- 6957 Change Orders
- 6959 Acceptance of Completed Project
- 6959P Acceptance of Completed Project Procedures
- 6970 Naming Schools, Facilities, and Teams, and Use of School Mascots, Images, or Logos
- 6970P Naming Schools, Facilities, and Teams, and Use of School Mascots, Images, or Logos Procedures
- 6971 Works of Art